Monday 27 July 2015



Tharavath is an Malayalam term which means extended family.  It was pretty much in use before the independence but during those time it was dying a slow death and now i cant say it is completely dead but its not as relevant in todays world. But then again, Is today's world perfect or good enough for the concept to be bad? I hope i made a valid point and you understood.

In earlier times in Kerala, people used to be known by obviously their caste,i.e, Namboodiris,Nambiars,Nairs,Thiyyars etc but also by their tharavaths, their extended family.

Usage of Tharavath

Tharavath was basically a social structure through which the individuals were known and identified. For example, If Rahul belonged to Alora Tharavath, he was known as an Alora. While most of Bharat used Caste as an Identification, Many of the Keralites also used Tharavaths as Identification. While it cannot be compared directly, but i think there is some similarity between Tharavaath and "Gotra" used in Northern and Central India. I think i will write a seperate Blog on the similarities between South and North of India. Its not as different as a layman thinks in India right now.

So mainly the Nair Clans used Tharavaths . Now comes to me Ajesh Alvoor actually Ajesh Alora as Alora is my Tharavaath. I belong to Nambiar, a Kshatriya Clan. Now the world would say why emphasise on Kshatriya. It is because many of the Modern Indian problem like Lack of Infrastructure, lack of Moral and spiritual Values,Lack of Cleanliness in Cities,Excess of Corruption has its root somewhere in the absence of a proper structure or a proper system. I think i will write a blog over it on the lack of system.

Special Significance

In Kerala we have a matrilinear system which means the Mother side is quite important or the Role of Females is very important. It is unlike in North India, where females are literally treated as Dirt, which i wouldnt complain of ;), I think i will write another blog on this Topic.

Usage in Popular World

I think all of you would know Shashi Tharoor. He is a Congress MP, from Thiruvananthpuram. He is from the Tharoor Tharavaath. They belong to Nair Clan.

My Personal Etymology

My Name is Ajesh Alvoor. Alvoor is basically a Urban English Adaptation given by my Father while he was putting my Name in School. It is basically stupid because we should not have done so. One of the many stupidities my father did and is still doing, i think i will write another blog on that.

So Alvoor is an adaptation of Alora which is my Tharavaath of my Mother side

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